The reason why the LORD hates dishonest weights and scales, because it represents cheating the people out of their wealth. What happens when a monetary system uses dishonest money?
1. Devalues the currency (inflation) 2. Artificial rise in investment values 3. Creates a debt bubble that collapses 4. Investment values collapse (devaluation) 5. Wages and prices collapse (deflation) 6. Debtors are force into bankruptcy 7. Lenders foreclose and confiscate the borrower's assets.
The dollar's value continues to decline.
Silver & Gold are real money that has not dwindle away since the beginning of time.
A Possible Solution...
Precious metals (silver, gold, platinum,) are tangible assets that can be owned and are recognized around the world for their intrinsic value. Take a look how silver and gold is valued in the eyes of financial investors:
Silver & Gold are precious metals that financial investors recommend as a diversification strategy in uncertain markets
Silver & Gold are recognized and traded as a commodity worldwide
Silver & Gold are recognized as a monetary and financial asset worldwide
Silver & Gold can be passed down to loved ones and to future generations
Silver & Gold are used in several products such as computers, cell phones, water filters (to name a few) due to their unique properties
Investment Risks: All investments involve risk - precious metals are no exception. The value of a precious metal product is affected by many economic factors, including the current market price of bullion, the perceived scarcity of the item and other factors. Some of these factors include quality, current demand and general market sentiment. Therefore, because the value of precious metals can go down as well as up, investing in them may not be suitable for everyone. You should understand precious metals well, and have adequate cash reserves and disposable income before considering a precious metals investment.